Mataspliote on iPhone 4 and 4S & ipad 2

IMG 1002
With the recent Absinthe Jailbreak which opens up firmware 5.1.1 to Cydia, we once again tried to getMetasploit running on these iBabies. After a bit of fiddling around with various ruby package versions, its seems like the following combination works well with the latest version of Metasploit 4.4.0-dev (as of May 2012).
Of course, you need a jailbroken iPhone or iPad, with apt, OpenSSH server and a SSH client, such as iSSH. Once you are SSH’ed to your iPhone / iPad, run the following commands:
# Install basic tools
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install wget subversion

# Download correct version of ruby and dependencies

# Install them
dpkg -i iconv_1.14-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
dpkg -i zlib_1.2.3-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
dpkg -i ruby_1.9.2-p180-1-1_iphoneos-arm.deb

# Delete them
rm -rf *.deb

# Go into /private var and svn checkout the msf trunk.
# Don't download the MSF tar.gz due to svn client versioning issues

cd /private/var
svn co msf3
cd msf3/

# Check that Metasploit is running
ruby msfconsole
As no blog post is complete without a reverse shell screenshot, here’s a popped shell from the iPhone:
Mataspliote on iPhone 4 and 4S & ipad 2 Mataspliote on iPhone 4 and 4S & ipad 2 Reviewed by Surjeet Roy on August 08, 2014 Rating: 5

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