PUBG update 6.3 going live with Panzerfaust, other changes

The s a new PUBG update 6.3 which released on the Test Server last week is going now live on the main server. It introduces the previously teased Panzerfaust. The live servers are down for maintenance and will feature the new update once up. Besides this there is also the introduction of changes to some weapons as well. The weapons changes include rebalancing some weapons including one formerly only found in Care Packages. There s also a tonne of new bug fixes along with changes to the invincibility in Team Deathmatch. 

New Weapon: Panzerfaust
The devs have been sneaking the Panzerfaust into the Season 6 videos. And now the weapon is finally out. It is a powerful AoE weapon, but there are some drawbacks to picking the Panzerfaust up. First of all, it takes up a primary weapon slot, which limits the options of the user. The projectile travels pretty quickly, but can be dodged by the attentive player. There s also a backblast area behind the Panzerfaust, so players need to watch out for squadmates before firing it off.

The Panzerfaust is guaranteed to be in every airdrop. The Panzerfaust warhead explodes upon impact, but can also be blown up mid air. The damage radius is 6m from the point of impact. The explosion can deal splash damage through thin walls and objects, up to a short distance. Can be used to breach specific walls on Karakin, much like the Sticky Bomb. The warhead will explode mid air, before impact if damaged by explosions or shot by a bullet.
PUBG update 6.3 going live with Panzerfaust, other changes PUBG update 6.3 going live with Panzerfaust, other changes Reviewed by Surjeet Roy on March 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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